Cascade Property Data

Apartment Data and Property Reports for Commercial Real Estate Professionals

Yardi Matrix, the real estate market's most complete intelligence platform, offers comprehensive and verified data on all multifamily properties of 50 units or larger across the United States - ownership and management information with contact details, rent and sales history, occupancy rates, loan information, property characteristics, and more.

Cascade Multifamily Property Details

Cascade is multifamily apartment complex that was constructed in 1971. It is located at 7600 Fruitridge Road in Florin/Southeast Sacramento, Sacramento, and features a total number of 74 units. The property’s unit mix is a combination of One Bedroom, Two Bedroom/One Bath, with a total unit size of 51,050 SqFt.

Number of Units 74
Total Size 51,050
Address 7600 Fruitridge Road
Sacramento, CA 95820
Market Sacramento
Submarket Florin/Southeast Sacramento
Phone Request a demo
Improvements Rating Request a demo
Location Rating Request a demo
Completion Date 1971
Owner Request a demo

Find Out Who Owns Cascade Property

Reach out to real people instead of LLC mailboxes. Contact details for property owners and managers provided by Yardi Matrix will save you precious time on ownership searches about Cascade and help you get straight down to business.

Owner/Manager contact details card

Property Unit Breakdown

Get a better understanding of how Cascade multifamily property is performing by taking a close look at each unit type; see unit distribution by number of rooms, information complemented by insightful data like unit sizes, rent per unit, rent per square foot, and more.

Sales and Loans

With Yardi Matrix, you gain access to the comprehensive timeline of the Cascade multifamily property’s sales and loan history. See past transactions, former owners, sales dates and prices, portfolio transactions, and past and pending loan information.

Occupancy History

Yardi Matrix covers monthly occupancy rates for the Cascade residential property, helping you track the short - and long - term performance of all your prospective investments.

Rental Rate History

Leverage the power of Yardi Matrix and get an in-depth view of Cascade's property rental data broken down by year, quarter or month. Get accurate rental comps and measure the performance of your prospects against similar assets in the area.

Cascade Property Characteristics

Go into the details of the Cascade multifamily apartment building with Yardi Matrix’s data on amenities and services, utilities, and functional and site characteristics – all in one brief check-list.

Request a demo for more information

property characteristics

Yardi Matrix Micro Level Product Offerings

Yardi Matrix also provides you with the most comprehensive data on Cascade multifamily property, including details on amenities, functional and site characteristics, utilities, and more.

Choose from over 30 customizable property reports and determine the true ownership, get detailed information on property's leased and available spaces, discover the current rental rates, evaluate sales history and loan information, and uncover many other competitive environment insights and property characteristics.

Area Map

Other Multifamily Properties in the Area

Submarket Property Address


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