Eastgate Village Property Data

Apartment Data and Property Reports for Commercial Real Estate Professionals

Yardi Matrix, the real estate market's most complete intelligence platform, offers comprehensive and verified data on all multifamily properties of 50 units or larger across the United States - ownership and management information with contact details, rent and sales history, occupancy rates, loan information, property characteristics, and more.

Eastgate Village Multifamily Property Details

Eastgate Village is a multifamily property located at 1626 Hutchinson Avenue SE in Grand Rapids - South, Grand Rapids. Built in 1956, the property features 72 units, of the following types: One Bedroom, Two Bedroom/One Bath, Two Bedroom/Two Bath, totaling 54,940 SqFt.

Number of Units 72
Total Size 54,940
Address 1626 Hutchinson Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Market Grand Rapids
Submarket Grand Rapids - South
Phone Request a demo
Improvements Rating Request a demo
Location Rating Request a demo
Completion Date 1956
Owner Request a demo

Find Out Who Owns Eastgate Village Property

Yardi Matrix provides real estate investors, brokers, acquisition groups and property managers with true ownership information that pierces behind the LLCs. Find out who the owner and/or manager of Eastgate Village are and get their direct contact information.

Owner/Manager contact details card

Property Unit Breakdown

Leverage Yardi Matrix’s property data to learn more about the Eastgate Village multifamily property’s unit mix, rent per unit, rent per square foot, unit types and their distribution, square footage, and more.

Sales and Loans

Evaluate Eastgate Village’s sales history and the loan information associated with it using Yardi Matrix’s comprehensive data on sale price, price per unit, price per square foot, loan type, loan origination and maturity date, buyer/seller information, and more.

Occupancy History

Benchmark the long-term performance of the Eastgate Village multifamily property with Yardi Matrix’s proprietary data on occupancy and vacancy rates.

Rental Rate History

Evaluate the historical rental rates of the Eastgate Village apartment building and assess property-specific actionable insights that drive value and help you perform preliminary underwriting. In addition, Yardi Matrix enables real estate market professionals to leverage historical rent data to determine regional rental trends and to adopt a pricing strategy to maximize occupancy rate and revenue.

Eastgate Village Property Characteristics

Learn the ins and outs of the Eastgate Village residential property with Yardi Matrix’s data on common area and apartment-specific amenities, functional characteristics, utilities, site specifications, and more.

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property characteristics

Yardi Matrix Micro Level Product Offerings

Yardi Matrix also provides you with the most comprehensive data on Eastgate Village multifamily property, including details on amenities, functional and site characteristics, utilities, and more.

Choose from over 30 customizable property reports and determine the true ownership, get detailed information on property's leased and available spaces, discover the current rental rates, evaluate sales history and loan information, and uncover many other competitive environment insights and property characteristics.

Area Map

Other Multifamily Properties in the Area

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